
Top 4 Birds With Amazing Diving Technique

Do you know there is birds that can dive into the water straight from the air while flying, here we try to set you up with the top 4 birds with amazing diving technique, but before we get into that, let's begin with a little portion of "prologue". There's people who like blue always tends to like the ocean, and that left us in people who likes ocean must love to go diving, but can you imagine birds that can dive straight from the air, you would say it is way out of your dream that a bird can dive if you haven't watched The National Geographic channel alot, but instead you'll say "i've seen that on some animal channel" spot on!!

Here it is the top 4 birds with amazing diving technique

Grebe size varies, from small to medium upward. The smallest Grebe, Least Grebe, measuring 23.5 cm with a weight of 120 grams. While the largest, Great Grebe, measuring 71 cm with a mass of 1.7 kg. Grebe is a bird swimmers and divers are reliable. They have legs that are located far behind, can run over water for a short time, but often fall.
Birds With Amazing Diving Technique

Birds With Amazing Diving Technique

Birds With Amazing Diving Technique

Grebe has a narrow wings, and some species can fly low. Two species in South America can not fly at all. They respond to danger by diving rather than flying.Grebe have unusual hair, very solid and waterproof. By pressing the feathers against the body, grebe can regulate their buoyancy forces. Sometimes they swim low in the head and neck showed only saja.Grebe make a floating nest of plant material. Grebe are precocial young, they can swim immediately after leaving the egg.

Loons are a group of aquatic birds found in various places in North America and southern Eurasia. Loon size of a large duck or small goose, which sometimes looks similar to both types of animals as they swim. Their feathers, especially white and black, with gray on the head and neck in some species, and the belly fur is white. All species of this genus have spear-shaped beak.
Birds With Amazing Diving Technique

Birds With Amazing Diving Technique

Birds With Amazing Diving Technique

Birds With Amazing Diving Technique

Birds With Amazing Diving Technique

Birds With Amazing Diving Technique
Loon is a good swimmer. Use their legs to paddle and wings as an aid in their movement. Because their feet were not far behind, loons are not able to adapt well in the land because it is difficult to walk to the shape of the foot that way. They generally avoid the mainland, except for nesting.

Cormorant was eating all species of fish, small eels, and even sea snakes. They were diving near the surface. They paddle with their feet to dive in the sea to find food. Some species are known to dive to 45 meters.
Birds With Amazing Diving Technique

Birds With Amazing Diving Technique

Birds With Amazing Diving Technique

Birds With Amazing Diving Technique

Birds With Amazing Diving Technique

Birds With Amazing Diving Technique
After fishing, they returned to shore, and is often seen drying their wings in the sun. Cormorant all species have special glands that mempu keep their feathers waterproof, though some are saying that their feathers are waterproof without these glands. Others say that their fur absorbs water but does not wet the hair and skin layers.

Guillemot adult bird has a black body with white wing pieces, thin dark beak and red legs. They showed a line of white wings when flying. In the winter, his upper body is gray and pale under parts are white. Sayapny stays black with large white stripes on the inner wing.
Birds With Amazing Diving Technique

Birds With Amazing Diving Technique

Birds With Amazing Diving Technique

Birds With Amazing Diving Technique

Birds With Amazing Diving Technique

Birds With Amazing Diving Technique

Birds With Amazing Diving Technique
Growing up in the habitat they breed on the coast that is rocky, cliffs, and islands in the northern Atlantic coast in eastern North America to south, and west to southern Europe. Some birds breed in Alaska, they usually spawn in rocky locations near water.

So we've seen the could be impossible thing today, isn't it amazing, just by knowing this now we could have at least 1 more topic to talk about with our loved ones, birds that can dive, birds with amazing diving technique, awesome, and just like what Barney Stinson would say it going to be LEGEN.... wait for it... DARY!!! 

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