
Top 10 Unique Facts About Human Eyes

This knowledge is probably one of those things that will get anyone to surprise when they knew it for the first time, as this unique facts about the human eyes are shocking at some point, check out below and you'll know it all.
All Will Need Glasses When They Gets Old
If you're reading this article and under 40 years old with perfect visibility, I can say with (absolute certainty) that you will need glasses to read at some point in the future. 99% of world population will need reading glasses at the age between 43-50 years. 

This is because the eye slowly begins to lose its focus ability with age. When we see objects around us, our lenses change from flat to form a more rounded shape, and we will lose this ability when we get older. 
Unique Facts About Human Eyes
And when we was about 45 years, we'll start seeing things that are more distant from us to make our eyes fixed focus lens.

The Lens in our eyes is faster than any camera lens
Unique Facts About Human EyesDirectly behind the pupil of the eye lens of the eye we have a function to focus on objects that we are seeing. Try to take a moment to glance around the room and you try to think of how much distance between you and the objects around you. Every time we do this, we change the focus lens of the eye without us knowing. Bandngkan with a camera lens that takes a few seconds for the distance from one another. Be thankful we can as fast as our lens, and can continue to change every time.

Our eyes are fully developed at age 7 years
Unique Facts About Human Eyes
At the age of 7 years we have fully developed eyes, and physiologically have the same form with adult eyes. It can serve as an important reason to treat "lazy eye" (a condition in which visual acuity could not be optimal) before we reach this age. The earlier "lazy eye" diagnosed the greater the chance for cure, because the eye is still evolving and still subject to change in vision. After 7 years of age there is no treatment that can alter eyesight.

We Blink our eyes Approximately 15,000 Times Every Day
Unique Facts About Human Eyes
Blinking is a semi-accidental eye function, this means that the flash is not only done automatically, but people can also be forced to blink when needed. Eye blink about 15,000 times per day. Blinking is very important function of your eyes as it helps remove impurities on the surface of your eye, with a spread of fresh tears over them. These tears help to nourish your eye with oxygen and also has anti-bacterial essential. You can assume the functions of flashes similar to the function of the wiper on your car, clean up and remove everything to make you see clearly.

Everyone Will Cataract Have When They're Old
Unique Facts About Human Eyes
People do not realize that cataracts are a normal consequence when it reaches old age and every person will experience it at some point in their old age. You can think of cataracts as his hair turned white which is the natural changes with age. The average age people first get a cataract is around the age of 70 years and 80 years, you are guaranteed to have a cataract? This is the same as you might not find 80-year-old man with no white hair, as well as you will not find a person aged 80 years without suffering from cataracts.

Diabetes Often First Detected By Conducting Eye Test
Unique Facts About Human Eyes
People suffering from diabetes type 2 (type of which will develop later in life) often experience symptom-free, which means they often do not know they have diabetes. This type of diabetes usually can be detected by the eye test, as can be seen as a small hemorrhage from a leaking blood vessels in the back of your eye. This certainly is a good reason to perform regular eye tests.

People View Using the Brain, Not Eyes
Unique Facts About Human EyesYour eyes function is to gather all necessary information about the object you want to see. This information will then be forwarded from your eye to the brain via the optic nerve. It is the brain (visual cortex) where all the information is analyzed to allow you to 'see' objects in the shape becomes. This is not to say that your eyes do not play an important role because of course they have an important role.

Your Eyes Can Adapt In blindspot
Unique Facts About Human EyesCertain eye conditions such as glaucoma and certain health conditions such as having a stroke, can cause you to develop your blindspot in vision. It can be very debilitating if it were not for brain and your ability to adapt to make it disappear blindspot. This is done by pressing on the eye blindspot is broken and let the other eye is healthy to "fill in the gaps" created by the eye disorder.

20:20 Sight Seeing Is not the Best You Can Have
When people hear the term vision 20:20 *, they assume that this is the best measure of vision. But this is not true that 20:20 refers to the vision of what an average adult should be able to see. If you imagine a typical eye chart test, 20:20 vision may be only the second line from bottom. The bottom line is even lower than 20:20 vision and this means you may have to have 20:16 vision. So do not be too impressed when someone tells you that they have 20:20 vision.
Unique Facts About Human Eyes
* The meaning of 20:20 vision is: number 20 is on the front shows your distance to the object that you see, which is 6 meters. Meanwhile, behind the number 20 which states that the object can still be clearly seen by normal vision from a distance of 20 meters. 20:20 And the vision is regarded as a measure of the best views. But the reality is different.

The eyes will water itself when it gets dry
Unique Facts About Human Eyes
It may sound crazy, but this is one weird fact about your eyes. Your tears are made up of three distinct components: water, mucus and fat. If these components are not exactly the right amount, then your eyes can become dry. Your brain responds by producing drought that extra water.

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