
Life on Mars, Alien on Mars, And Other Mars Mysteries, Maybe?

Life on Mars, Alien on Mars, and all that mystery on planet mars is always an interesting topic to be known and to be shared.

As you know, we have a couple of small robots exploring a tiny bit of the Red Planet.  Appropriately enough, these devices are called Mars Rovers and, since they were constructed from off the shelf parts wherever possible, instead of the custom built parts NASA usually wastes tax dollars on, they are still running several months after their projected useful life.  

The below picture was taken by one of them.  Predictably, NASA claims it’s nothing but an unusual rock formation which, of course, it could well be.  However, there is another source of pictures of Mars, that being several satellites NASA and Russia managed to put into orbit.  So, ignoring my own prejudices, it seems reasonable to look at some other unusual features that NASA has also claimed are only strange rock formations or tricks of lighting, before we discuss the apparent Martian in the above picture.

Life on Mars Alien on Mars Mars Mysteries
Life on Mars Alien on Mars Mars Mysteries
this pic of life of alien on mars probably fake, but let's just take credit to the fakers
I’m sure you already know the giant face on Mars:
Life on Mars Alien on Mars Mars Mysteries
Life on Mars Alien on Mars Mars Mysteries
This tremendous structure, along with the pyramids near it, have been the focus of intense propaganda efforts by NASA with the intention of dismissing the evidence as just coincidence.  Would they would apply the same attitude to the Global Warming Hoax.

The next two pics are pretty much self explanatory:

Life on Mars Alien on Mars Mars Mysteries

Life on Mars Alien on Mars Mars Mysteries

And we also find something that bears a striking semblance to domed buildings.
Life on Mars Alien on Mars Mars Mysteries
More evidence of domed buildings on Mars is found in this shot:
Life on Mars Alien on Mars Mars Mysteries
Unless, of course, NASA is passing off pictures of a golf course as Martian, which I must admit I wouldn’t put past them.  There’s also these two:
Life on Mars Alien on Mars Mars Mysteries

Life on Mars Alien on Mars Mars Mysteries
Also supposedly of Mars, that either show some most unusual rock formations, or some very hardy plants.

NASA, as one might expect, doesn’t even bother to attempt to explain these away.
Jumping back to more Rover photos:

We find something in a picture that is supposedly from Mars, that clearly looks like an insect.
Life on Mars Alien on Mars Mars Mysteries

We also have to consider the tunnel like structures that are quite clear in several of the satellite photos:
Life on Mars Alien on Mars Mars Mysteries

Life on Mars Alien on Mars Mars Mysteries

Life on Mars Alien on Mars Mars Mysteries
NASA, consistently, claims that these are, you guessed it, just more unusual rock formations. 
On one hand, I can see that Mars is a big place, and that, out of thousands and thousands of pictures, a few strange things might crop up that have perfectly reasonable explanations.  On the other hand, it’s also quite reasonable to assume that NASA has been faking all of the Mars data over the years, probably so the Government could funnel the money into hidden projects like the secret moon base.
Life on Mars Alien on Mars Mars Mysteries
On the gripping hand, there have been several Mars probes that NASA claims just quite working, suddenly and mysteriously.  We also need to consider that, even with the large number of interesting rock formations shown above, none of the Rovers was sent to investigate.  To me, with my keen sense of paranoia, this suggests that the Government knows more than they are telling and, in some perverse way, They have something to gain by keeping knowledge of the Martian civilization secret.  It could be that They’re afraid such information would upset the status quo, or they could be working out backroom deals on how to exploit the technology waiting to be uncovered.  The possibilities are almost endless, so I’m keeping an open mind and a watchful eye on the situation. This believes of Life on Mars, Alien on Mars, And Other Mars Mysteries, Maybe? it all depends on your judge.

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